
+ indicates a mentee | * indicates equal contribution


[21] | B. Goldstein, S. Stoudt, J.M.M. Lewthwaite, V. Shirey, E. Mendoza+, and L.M. Guzman 2024. "Logistical and preference bias in participatory science butterfly data." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.. In Press.
[20] | V. Shirey, N. Neupane, R. Guralnick, and L. Ries. 2024. "Rising minimum temperatures contribute to 50 years of occupancy decline among cold-adapted Arctic and boreal butterflies in North America." Global Change Biology. In Press.
[19] | J.M.M. Lewthwaite*, T.M. Baiotto*+, B.V. Brown, Y.Y. Cheung+, A.J. Baker, C. Lehnen+, T.P. McGlynn, V. Shirey, L. Gonzalez, E. Hartop, P.H. Kerr, E. Wood, and L.M. Guzman. 2024. "Drivers of arthropod biodiversity in an urban ecosystem." Scientific Reports 390. 10.1038/s41598-023-50675-3


[18] | K. Wheeler, M. Dietze, D. LeBauer, J. Peters, A.D. Richardson, A. Ross, R.Q. Thomas, K. Zhu, U. Bhat, ..., D. Pal, V. Shirey, Y. Song, ..., and L. Zachmann. 2023. "Predicting spring phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests: NEON phenology forecasting community challenge." In press at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
[17] | V. Shirey and L. Ries. 2023. "Population dynamics and drivers of the monarch (Danaus plexippus) across its annual life cycle and throughout its eastern range: a cross-scale synthesis of a model migratory species." In press at Current Opinion in Insect Science. 10.1016/j.cois.2023.101132
[16] | H.C. Stevens+, E.R. Buechley, A.C. Smith, V. Shirey, Ç.H. Şekercioğlu, K.V. Rosenberg, F.A. La Sorte, D. Tallamy, P.P. Marra. 2023. "Species-specific ecological traits, phylogeny, and geography underpin vulnerability to population declines for North American birds" Ornithological Applications. 10.1093/ornithapp/duad046
[15] | S.C. Mason Jr., V. Shirey, E.S. Waite, M.R. Gallagher, and N.S. Skowronski. 2023. "Exploring prescribed fire severity effects on ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) taxonomic and functional community composition" Fire 6 (9). 10.3390/fire6090366
[14] | T. Rippel*, C. Minsavage-Davis*, V. Shirey, and G. Wimp. 2023. "Simple machine learning with aerial imagery reveals severe loss of a salt marsh foundation species." Estuaries and Coasts 51. 10.1007/s12237-023-01192-z
[13] | A.Y. Kawahara, C. Storer, A.P.S. Carvalho, D.M. Plotkin, F. Condamine, ..., S. Schröder, V. Shirey, D. Soltis, ..., and D.J. Lohman. 2023. "A global phylogeny of butterflies reveals their evolutionary history, ancestral hosts, and biogeographic origin." Nature Ecology and Evolution.
[12] | M. Belitz, E. Larsen, V. Shirey, D. Li, and R. Guralnick. 2023. "Phenological research based on natural history collections: practical guidelines and a Lepidopteran case study." Functional Ecology. 37 (2): 234-247. 10.1111/1365-2435.14173
[11] | V. Shirey, R. Khelifa, L. M'Gonigle, and L.M. Guzman. 2023. "Occupancy-detection models with museum specimen data: promise and pitfalls." Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 14 (2): 402-414. 10.1111/2041-210X.13896


[10] | F.X. Palacio, C. Callaghan, P. Cardoso, E.J. Hudgins, M. Jarzyna, G. Ottaviani, F. Riva, G. Roza, V. Shirey, and S. Mammola. 2022. "A protocol for reproducible functional diversity analyses." Ecography. 2022(11). 10.1111/ecog.06287 Editor's Choice.
[9] | V. Shirey, E. Larsen, A. Doherty, C. Kim+, F. Al-Sulaiman+, J. Hinolan, M. Naive, M. Itliong, M. Ku, M. Belitz, G. Jeschke, V. Barve, A.Y. Kawahara, R. Guralnick, N. Pierce, D. Lohman, and L. Ries. 2022. "LepTraits 1.0: A globally comprehensive dataset of butterfly traits." Scientific Data 9(1): 1-7. 10.1038/s41597-022-01473-5 | LepTraits GitHub Page


[8] | S.C. Mason Jr., V. Shirey, L. Ponisio, and J.K. Gelhaus. 2021. "Responses from bees, butterflies, and ground beetles to different fire characteristics: A global meta-analysis." Biological Conservation 261. 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109265
[7] | V. Shirey, A.P.S. Carvalho, and A.Y. Kawahara. 2021. "Early evidence for sexually dimorphic, ultraviolet eyespots in Parnassius smintheus, Doubleday, [1847]." The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 75 (3): 215-216. 10.18473/lepi.75i3.a8
[6] | E. Larsen and V. Shirey. 2021. "Method matters: pitfalls in analysing phenology from occurrence records." Ecology Letters (24 (6): 1287-1289. 10.1111/ele.13731
[5] | V. Shirey, M. Belitz, V. Barve, and R. Guralnick. 2021. "A complete inventory of North American butterfly occurrence data: narrowing data gaps but increasing bias." Ecography 44 (4): 537-547. 10.1111/ecog.05396


[4] | V. Shirey, S. Seppälä, V.V. Branco, and P. Cardoso. 2019. "Current GBIF occurrence data demonstrates both promise and limitations for potential red listing of spiders." Biodiversity Data Journal 7. 10.3897/BDJ.7.e47369
[3] | P. Cardoso, V. Shirey, S. Seppälä, S. Henriques, M.L. Draney, S. Foord, A.T. Gibbons, L.A. Gomez, S. Kariko, J. Malumbres-Olarte, M. Milne, and C.J. Vink. 2019. "Globally distributed occurrences utilized in 200 spider species conservation profiles (Arachnida: Araneae)." Biodiversity Data Journal 7. 10.3897/BDJ.7.e33264


[2] | V. Shirey. 2018. "Visualizing natural history collection data provides insights into collection development and bias." Biodiversity Data Journal 6. 10.3897/BDJ.6.e26741
[1] | K. Seltmann, S. Lafia, D.L. Paul, S.A. James, D. Bloom, N. Rios, S. Ellis, U. Farrell, J. Utrup, M. Yost, E. Davis, R. Emery, G. Motz, J. Kimmig, V. Shirey, E. Sandall, D. Park, C. Tyrrell, S. Thackurdeen, M. Collins, V. O’Leary, H. Prestridge, C. Evelyn, B. Nyberg. 2018. "Georeferencing for Research Use (GRU): an integrated geospatial training paradigm for biodiversity researchers and data providers." Research Ideas and Outcomes 4. 10.3897/rio.4.e32449